If you’re nut allergic, try our soya-based Sour Cream recipe. Almonds would also work well – whole, skinned and unsalted. Their high fat content makes for a lovely rich cream. If you have a high-speed blender, you dont need to soak them. Garlic Herbs & spices (paprika, onion, cumin, mustard pepper, dill, chives, etc.
#Cashew cream recipe sweet how to
Variations: replace cashews with macadamias – these are rich, buttery nuts that are absolutely delicious. Raw cashews its important to use raw unsalted cashews when making cashew sauce. Jump to Recipe Learn how to make smooth vegan cashew cream using just two simple ingredients and a blender.And buying a larger bag, particularly ethnic brands (see World Food shelves in supermarkets) or good health food shops works out cheaper than tiddly little packets – check out the price per 100g on each product to see what we mean!

We also recommend using whole ‘raw’ (unsalted and unroasted) cashews – using pieces is cheaper but they tend to be dryer. However, soaking the cashews makes them softer and easier to blend. You do need a farily powerful blender, food processor or wet/dry blender (eg Revel or a mini processor like Nutribullet – all of these will create a smooth mixture that is not grainy. For a sweet cream, add pure vanilla extract, salt, and sweetener (if using 3/4c water, add 1/8 tsp salt and 1/2 tsp vanilla. It can be added to a dish, eg a soup or stew served on the side, eg sour cream with chilli or sweet cream with a dessert… get creative! Make sure that they are well covered with plenty of water. Cashews aren’t cheap but when used as part of a balanced diet as opposed to a snacky extra, they are worth it for their nutritional benefits and taste. This is a fantastic recipe ‘basic’ and lends itself to lots of dishes – as well as being very natural and unprocessed. Blend the cashews and milk in a blender or food processor until smooth.