3M recommends replacing both pancake and cartridge filters within six months of opening their packages (PDF), or, in environments where oil aerosols are present, after only 40 hours of total use or 30 days after the first use, whichever comes first. Having finally taken the plunge, and started to scenic the layout, we look into using plaster cloth over our cardboard strips to make the base for the scenery Mostly, this technique is used on. The cartridges are more expensive and weigh far more-8.6 ounces per pair on our scale-but they’re also sturdier, and they might be the better choice if you’ll be doing strenuous physical work, such as a kitchen demolition, while wearing your respirator. The pancake filters weigh just half an ounce per pair, and they’re our first recommendation for typical use outdoors and around the home. NIOSH approval means that, at the equivalent rating (P100 in this case), pancake-style filters, such as the 3M 2097 filter we recommend, protect you just as effectively as hard-plastic cartridge filters like the 3M 60926. It would not start to set like plaster will so you have a longer working time per batch. Create Unique Plaster Projects in 3 Quick and Easy Steps The cloth wrap is 4' wide and 15-feet (180') long. It is a 50:50 mix of water and white glue. SKU: 76810 Use the E-Z Form Plaster Cloth wrap for sculptures, mask making, jewelry, craft projects and much more. I have several articles and a couple of threads on it. When it is re-hydrated a chemical reaction occurs wherein the dry powder turns back into stone. An alternative to plaster is a white glue mix called 'glue shell'. And as P-designated filters, they also protect against oil-based substances in the air, such as paint fumes, as well as some caustic vapors. Plaster is limestone or gypsum that has had the water burned away. The “100” designation indicates that they capture 99.97% of fine particulates, such as wildfire smoke. P100-rated filters are the most widely available kind that meet that criterion.